LFDE, the first French asset management company offering an AI investment solution
“Echiquier Artificial Intelligence”
– A new fund invested in leading companies around the globe benefiting from the development of AI,
– With a conviction-driven focus on growth,
– Expanding LFDE’s international and thematic equities range for both retail and professional investors
La Financière de l’Echiquier (LFDE) announces the creation of Echiquier Artificial Intelligence, a new “international equities” solution invested in strong-growth leaders developing or benefiting from artificial intelligence. It will be marketed starting 19 June in Luxembourg*, in France by the end of June, and then in all Europe.
La Financière de l’Echiquier is thus the first French asset management company to launch a product focusing on the AI thematic which offers very high growth potential for the global economy.
It is a compartment of the Luxembourg-law SICAV Echiquier Fund destined for retail and professional clients with an investment diversification approach.
This fund will be managed by Rolando Grandi, co-manager of Echiquier World Equity Growth and head of the FCM Robotique fund, also part of LFDE’s thematic and international equities range, now further enhanced by the addition of this new product.
As with LFDE’s overall offering, its management strategy applies a high conviction stock-picking approach. Its universe covers all market capitalisations in four segments: AI developers, AI technology adopters, AI infrastructure companies, and finally companies developing sensory capabilities for AI (vision, radar, sensors).
According to Rolando Grandi, international and thematic equities manager: “AI is expected to contribute up to €13.5 trillion to the global economy in 2030, the economic equivalent of the European Union. This fast-growing market, which is profoundly transforming the way we live, offers undisputable growth potential.”
“We are delighted to be able to offer our customers and partners a way to invest in this thematic of the future, providing many opportunities for all companies and economic sectors but also to savers through expanded thematic diversification“, commented Didier Le Menestrel, La Financière de l’Echiquier’s Chair.
*This compartment was approved by the CSSF, the Luxembourg financial regulator, on 29 May 2018
Press contacts
Saphia Gaouaoui │ sgaouaoui@lfde.com│+ 33 (0) 53 23 87 44
Géraldine Fanara │gfanara@lfde.com │ +33 (0)1 47 23 98 12
Anne Auchatraire │ aauchatraire@image7.fr │+33 (0)1 53 70 74 68
Anne-Charlotte Créac’h │ accreach@image7.fr │ +33 (0)1 53 70 94 21
About La Financière de l’Echiquier – www.lfde.com
Created in 1991 by Didier Le Menestrel and Christian Gueugnier and managed by Christophe Mianné, La Financière de l’Echiquier (LFDE) is a leading French independent asset management company with nearly €11 billion assets under management and a team of more than 120 employees. Its business: managing savings and financial investments for retail customers, wealth management advisors and institutional customers. LFDE, in which the Primonial Group, specialised in all aspects of wealth management, holds a 40% stake, is also present in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Spain and Benelux.