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Un américain à Paris
Après le décryptage du fonctionnement du système électoral des Etats-Unis, David Ross, Gérant actions internationales, livre ses réflexions sur les...
Dans la course à la Maison Blanche, la compétition entre les 50 États fédéraux n’est en général pas vive. Près...
Un concept clé définit les États-Unis d’Amérique : l’Amérique est avant tout un groupe d’États, les Etats fédérés passant en...
I will start off with an international investing tip: “Everyone should invest in Ireland, because your capital is always Dublin.”...
The blog is back after taking a bit of a rest after a truly miserable December. All it took was...
Last week I wrote about how so many articles are including the phrase “worst since the financial crisis.” Then this little...
Every investor is asking: “What happened to Santa?” He certainly has not appeared on Wall Street, where his annual rally is...
I spent a couple of days in Istanbul, moderating a panel at the Tuyid (Turkish Investor Relations Society) Summit 2018 discussing...
The big news was obviously Trump and Xi agreeing to a truce in the trade war. Larry Kudlow, director of the National...
The Eurozone economy looks to be in free-fall as the latest purchasing manager’s composite output data dropped to its lowest level...
Last week, I had the pleasure of attending the Global Interdependence Center’s Central Banking Series in Madrid, Spain. The Global Interdependence Center provides a...
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