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Echiquier Space B

Echiquier Space est un fonds investi en actions internationales sur la thématique de l'espace.

Class B - LU2466448532 - NAV : 145,05

Performance 2025


Annualized performance

+10,73%since inception
on 31/05/2021


134,8 € millions

Investment horizon

5 years



As of 21/01/2025

Fund Managers

Stéphane Nières-Tavernier

Fund manager

Christophe Pouchoy

Fund manager



Price data

Calendar performance (%)

Past performance is not an indication of future performance. Returns indicated are after management fees but before taxes paid by the investor.
Le 12 décembre 2022, Echiquier Space, compartiment de la SICAV Echiquier de droit français a été transféré au sein de la SICAV Echiquier Fund de droit luxembourgeois. Les valeurs liquidatives et toutes les informations relatives aux performances antérieures à cette date sont celles du fonds français.

Cumulative performance (%)

Echiquier Space B Benchmark
3 months +28,53 +6,07
2025 +7,21 +2,64
1 year +80,66 +26,78
3 years +67,78 +39,55
5 years - -
10 years - -
Inception +45,05 +51,91

Annualised performance (%)

Echiquier Space B Benchmark
1 year +80,37 +26,70
3 years +18,81 +11,74
5 years - -
10 years - -
Inception +10,73 +12,14

Calendar performance (%)

Echiquier Space B +69,35
Benchmark +25,33
Echiquier Space B +25,32
Benchmark +18,06
Echiquier Space B -38,36
Benchmark -13,01

Cumulative performance (%)

Echiquier Space B +28,53
Benchmark +6,07
Echiquier Space B +7,21
Benchmark +2,64
Echiquier Space B +80,66
Benchmark +26,78
Echiquier Space B +67,78
Benchmark +39,55
Echiquier Space B -
Benchmark -
Echiquier Space B -
Benchmark -
Echiquier Space B +45,05
Benchmark +51,91

Annualised performance (%)

Echiquier Space B +80,37
Benchmark +26,70
Echiquier Space B +18,81
Benchmark +11,74
Echiquier Space B -
Benchmark -
Echiquier Space B -
Benchmark -
Echiquier Space B +10,73
Benchmark +12,14

Risk indicators (%)

Fund volatility Index volatility Sharpe ratio Information ratio Beta Tracking Error
1 year 22,34 11,48 3,62 3,94 1,69 13,57
3 years 24,21 13,11 0,86 0,53 1,52 15,32
5 years - - - - - -

Risk indicators (%)

Fund volatility 22,34
Index volatility 11,48
Sharpe ratio 3,62
Information ratio 3,94
Beta 1,69
Tracking Error 13,57
Fund volatility 24,21
Index volatility 13,11
Sharpe ratio 0,86
Information ratio 0,53
Beta 1,52
Tracking Error 15,32
Fund volatility -
Index volatility -
Sharpe ratio -
Information ratio -
Beta -
Tracking Error -


General characteristics of the fund
Fund Inception 31/05/2021
Société de gestion La Financière de l'Echiquier
Legal form
Reference indicator MSCI ACWI NET RETURN EUR
Investment horizon 5 years
Periodicity and Listing currency (EUR)
Custodian BNP Paribas Luxembourg
Fund Administrator BNP Paribas Luxembourg
SFDR classification Article 8
Share class characteristics
Fund Inception 31/05/2021
ISIN Code LU2466448532
Minimum subscription amount Null
Investor profile
Tax included Including tax 1,65%
Subscription fee max. tax incl. not retained by the fund 3,00%
Redemption fee max. tax incl. not retained by the fund 0,00%
Frais de gestion et autres frais administratifs et d'exploitation
(based on the fund's last fiscal year)
Coûts de transaction
(based on the average of the fund's last 3 fiscal years)