Investment professionals

[titre1]Our Offer[/titre1]
[soustitre1]Are you looking for the best investment solutions?[/soustitre1]
[soustitre2]Our fund range is designed for all investor profiles[/soustitre2]

[contact]Contact us[/contact]

[section_1_bloc_1_titre]Conviction-based management[/section_1_bloc_1_titre]
[section_1_bloc_1_texte]We manage assets of €10.6 billion, including €2 billion on behalf of foreign investors, applying a simple conviction: it’s a people’s business.[/section_1_bloc_1_texte]
[section_1_bloc_2_titre]An independent, renowned team[/section_1_bloc_2_titre]
[section_1_bloc_2_texte]With 34 fund managers and analysts with expertise in their respective fields, the team is one of the largest in the French independent asset management industry. It has won a number of awards for performance over time.[/section_1_bloc_2_texte]
[section_1_bloc_3_titre]A diversified, targeted range[/section_1_bloc_3_titre]
[section_1_bloc_3_texte]Our product range covers a broad spectrum of financial instruments (equities, corporate bonds, convertible bonds) across three areas : Europe, Diversified & FI, and Global.[/section_1_bloc_3_texte]
[section_1_bloc_4_titre]Risk management[/section_1_bloc_4_titre]
[section_1_bloc_4_texte]Risk management is an integral part of the investment process, led by the Internal Control and Compliance team.[/section_1_bloc_4_texte]

[section_1_bouton_1]Discover our product range[/section_1_bouton_1]
[section_1_bouton_2]Follow our news[/section_1_bouton_2]

[titre2]Our services[/titre2]
[soustitre3]Are you acting on behalf of your clients and their investments?[/soustitre3]
[soustitre4]We offer a rigorous approach to meet your needs as closely as possible[/soustitre4]

[section_2_bloc_1_titre]Dedicated team[/section_2_bloc_1_titre]
[section_2_bloc_1_texte]A team of bilingual professionals, who regularly travel to meet their partners abroad, cover each of our international markets.[/section_2_bloc_1_texte]
[section_2_bloc_2_titre]Tailored solutions[/section_2_bloc_2_titre]
[section_2_bloc_2_texte]We are constantly adapting our products and pricing to meet the changing demands and nature of each market.[/section_2_bloc_2_texte]
[section_2_bloc_3_titre]Regular meetings[/section_2_bloc_3_titre]
[section_2_bloc_3_texte]We regularly organise dynamic and productive meetings, giving you the opportunity to talk directly with the management team and stay informed of changes to our strategies.[/section_2_bloc_3_texte]
[section_2_bloc_4_titre]Interactive resources[/section_2_bloc_4_titre]
[section_2_bloc_4_texte]There are a number of interactive communication tools available for you: regular web conferences with the fund management team, electronic documents,and video news[/section_2_bloc_4_texte]

[section_2_bouton]Come and meet us at our next event[/section_2_bouton]